Mondays at 7pm, Praise & Worship Ministry. Contact: Doug & Judy Cornutt at [email protected]. For more information about this group visit
2nd Tuesdays and Last Thursdays at 6:30pm, “People of the Way” small group, in Room 11. This new group is reflecting on “The Chosen.” Contact: Carine Horner at [email protected]. (For example: June 13, June 29th, July 11th, July 27th).
Sundays at 11am (after 10am Mass) group resumes October 8th in a parish classroom. Scenes from The Chosen television series about Jesus Christ and his disciples-who are “the chosen.” This series has deeply affected millions around the world. We will be looking at several scenes-NOT entire episodes, and discussing them. Contact: Gwen Tough at [email protected] or call 208-762-5273 by October 1st.
Destinations of Faith group meets on Wednesdays from 7-8pm in Room 1 to study and discuss Heaven, Hell and Purgatory.
Contact: Bob Smee at [email protected].
Email Mary Stewart at [email protected] if you'd like your group published here.